• Dana Brown, Saïd Business School

    Having suffered criticism for training a generation of business leaders who led us into the global financial crisis, business schools have been increasingly interested to find ways of educating...

    • 1. Juni 2014
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  • Janet Shaner
    Janet Shaner, IMD

    Responsible leadership has been defined as being values-based, ethical principles-driven and involving a relationship between leaders and stakeholders to achieve sustainable value creation and social change. Educating responsible leaders...

    • 1. Juni 2014
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  • Kai Peters is Dean/Director of Ashridge Business School
    Kai Peters, Ashridge Business School

    Responsible and sustainable business is something that every MBA graduate needs to understand, not solely those dedicated to making a positive difference. Sustainability decisions are increasingly made by businesses,...

    • 1. Juni 2014
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  • Rethinking MBA rankings

    MBA rankings are a tricky subject. Most applicants put an enormous amount of credence in them when making their school selections, but the results aren't always as clear-cut as...

    • vom 30. Mai 2014
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  • Oxford revamps MBA for September launch

    Responsible leadership, big global issues and the rules and social norms of globalisation will be central themes in the revamped Saïd MBA ...read more

    • vom 28. Mai 2014
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