• Should women apply differently?

    Should women approach the application to business school any differently than men? As a subject fraught with stereotyping, admissions officers will typically avoid any suggestion that they view male...

    • vom 30. Juli 2014
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  • International MBA students struggle to find a job in the U.S.

    Students from abroad who study at U.S. business schools often struggle when it’s time to land a job. Increasingly, b-schools set aside resources to help this group overcome a...

    • vom 28. Juli 2014
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  • Strafprozess Ex-EBS-Präsident Jahns
    Prozess gegen Ex-EBS-Präsident Jahns: Kehrtwende der Verteidigung

    War es bisher vor allem die Verteidigung, die mit immer neuen Beweisanträgen das Strafverfahren gegen den ehemaligen EBS-Präsidenten Christopher Jahns wegen Untreue-Verdacht in die Länge zog, drängt sie nun plötzlich...

    • 27. Juli 2014
    • 1
  • The trojan horse threat to b-schools

    Karl Ulrich, vice dean of innovation at Wharton A new analysis of technology's impact on elite business schools today (July 16) asserts that MOOC courses are a “Trojan Horse” that...

    • vom 25. Juli 2014
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  • Trends in MBA admission

    The shift to fewer and shorter MBA essays has taken hold across the elite business schools of the United States, and the Wall Street Journal published two interesting articles...

    • vom 23. Juli 2014
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