• HHL: MBA-Stipendien für Frauen

    Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management vergibt Stipendien für Frauen, die im September an dem Vollzeit-MBA teilnehmen möchten. Wer die maximal 15.000 Euro in Anspruch nehmen möchte, muss unter anderem ein sehr gutes Ergebnis im GMAT...

    • vom Juni 30, 2014
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  • Recommendations: Does prestige matter?

    In this exclusive column for Poets&Quants, Fortuna admission consultants look at some of the myths that surround the MBA admissions process – and how schools evaluate candidates. So if you have ever asked yourself “Is it true...

    • vom Juni 30, 2014
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  • Question of the month
    Question of the Month – July 2014

    Do MOOCs hurt business schools? Or do they help them reach out to new students?

    • vom Juni 29, 2014
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  • Mauro F. Guillen, Wharton School

    MOOCs are a new technology with a new mode of delivery which has the potential of enhancing what business schools do as opposed to cannibalize their existing programs. At the Lauder Institute, which offers the Wharton MBA...

    • vom Juni 29, 2014
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  • Bernard Garrette
    Bernard Garrette, HEC Paris

    On first glance, it could seem that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) pose a substantial threat to the ideal of the culturally and professional Business School, as students now have the option of learning online from their...

    • vom Juni 29, 2014
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  • UK business schools reject TOEFL exams

    A handful of UK business schools are no longer accepting the internationally popular TOEFL tests as proof of English language ability for overseas students needing visas. The move comes after the BBC uncovered testing fraud earlier this...

    • vom Juni 27, 2014
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  • Zulassungsquote
    Stanford: Neuer Joint Degree kombiniert Ingenieur- mit MBA-Studium

    Die Stanford University bietet ab Herbst einen neuen Joint Degree an, bei dem die Absolventen einen Master of Science in Electrical Engineering und einen MBA-Abschluss bekommen. Damit verkürzt sich die Studienzeit für beide Abschlüsse von vier auf drei Jahre. Der neue...

    • vom Juni 26, 2014
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